Registration open for Yog, Ayurved and Marma Shivir, 21-27 March, 2025(7 days)

Yog, Ayurved and Marma Shivir, 21-27 March, 2025

Vill. Garhi Indrajit, Ram Nagar Road (Kela Mod stop), Kashipur, UK-244713

जीवन शैली सम्बन्धी रोगों, तनावों और लम्बे समय से चले आ रही स्वास्थ्य और प्रारब्ध सम्बन्धी उलझनों को जड़ से मिटाने व आत्म-विश्वास व बल को बढ़ाने हेतु अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ख्यातिप्राप्त योग गुरु, पूर्व में 4 देशों में भारत के राजदूत रहे एवं देवाम्बर धाम, काशीपुर के संस्थापक चंद्र मोहन भंडारी द्वारा योग व आयुर्वेद शास्त्रों के सार और निजी जीवन के गहन अनुभवों पर आधारित सात दिवसीय योग और मर्म विद्या का आवासीय कोर्स 21-27 मार्च तक देवाम्बर धाम, काशीपुर में आयोजित है। रजिस्ट्रेशन और अन्य जानकारी हेतु आप से संपर्क करें।

यह एक ऐसा गहन आयोजन है जो शरीर की आंतरिक इंजीनियरिंग को तुरंत सही करता है और मानसिक संतुलन की समझ देता है। इस प्रोग्राम की खास बात यह है कि इसमें न केवल योग और मर्म चिकित्सा के बारे में बताया जाएगा बल्कि सिखाया भी जायेगा जिसका तुरन्त परिणाम आप स्वयं निजी स्वास्थ्य में अनुभव भी करेंगे।

यह प्रोग्राम आपको शरीर, मन और आत्म-दर्शन की संयुक्त प्रणाली से सक्षम करता है जिससे न केवल आप स्वस्थ रहते हैं वरन् अपने कार्य में, घर में, समाज में, और सबसे अधिक स्वयं में सार्थक, आनन्दित और तृप्त स्वभाव का निर्माण कर सहज ही एक नई जीवन शैली अपना लेते हैं।

PROFESSOR DR. SUNIL KUMAR JOSHI, former Vice Chancellor, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, and internationally acclaimed Marma Chikitsa Expert and Proponent will conduct the proceedings on first two days, 21-22 March, 2025.


21-23 March (3 Days Program)

I) Non-residential Participant: Rs. 3,000.00

II)Residential Participant : Rs. 5,000 per head (twin share basis)

III)Residential Participant (Couple): Rs. 9,000 per couple

IV)Student Participant: Rs. 1,500 with dormitory residence

21-27 March (7 Days Program)

I)Residential Participant : Rs. 12,000 per head (twin share basis)

II)Residential Participant : Rs. 22,500 per couple

III)Student Participant: Rs. 3,000 with dormitory residence

Please credit your donations in Devamber Charitable Trust

  • First make donation (payment) as per below details and Click on below Register now.
  • After making the donation (payment), please share a screenshot of the online transaction or a copy of the bank deposit slip via WhatsApp at 9811687689 and email it to In your message, kindly include the PAN Number of the payer and the names and addresses of all participants to complete the registration process.

Account. No. : 7725000100016986,

Bank Name: Punjab National Bank

Branch: Kashipur

IFSC: PUNB0772500

How to Reach Devamber Dham, Kashipur and Things to Carry

Those coming by Car may Google Devamber Dham, Kashipur for location on Google Maps. Adjoining us is the Delhi Public School, Kashipur. Our advice is that after crossing Muradabad bypass, do not take the first left turn sign towards Kashipur but drive another 5 Kms. and at the first flyover, stay left side and at the underpass crossing of Dalpatpur village, turn left towards Kashipur, about 60 Kms. drive from there. Road condition is good even if it is narrower and you have to be careful while overtaking heavy vehicles. I have been using this road to travel to Delhi myself and all taxis also use this.
If coming by Delhi-Ram Nagar UP or UK Roadways Bus, you can buy ticket for Pratap Pur station but get off at Kela Mod stop, 1 Km. before Pratap Pur. Call us after you cross Kashipur and we will pick you up from Kela Mod, our location is 1 Km. from this stop.

Arrival and Departure timings

Please arrive between 09.00-1030 a.m. on Friday 21 March. Program begins at 11.00 a.m. If leaving on 23 March, you can leave anytime you like in the afternoon or evening. Those leaving on 27 March will leave after breakfast, earliest by 9-10 a.m.

Weather Conditions and Clothing’s

It is going to be somewhat cold during night, but we provide blankets. Full-sleeved clothes are recommended to avoid mosquito bites, especially during evenings and early morning outings in Kashipur. No need of heavy woolens. Do consult weather forecasts before packing for the trip. Shawls are good for all occasions.

Do carry

Odomos cream, two bedsheets, one pillow cover, bath towel, two hand towels, all personal toiletries and one bedsheet to spread over Yoga mats. Learning from the past Covid experience, it is in the best interest of all to ensure foolproof hygienic conditions.

Daily Program Details

Registration Form

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