Registration open for Yog, Ayurved and Marma Shivir, 21-27 March, 2025(7 days)
About Us

About Devamber Dham of Vedic Sciences

Devamber Charitable Trust’s Logo symbolizes its vision and mission as a no profit no loss organization that promotes basic literacy, health and skills development among children from poor strata of society. The second major focus area is public health through Vedic Sciences that went into oblivion in face of systemic onslaught of western culture on peoples thought process and lifestyles during colonial era, which, alas! Has continued thereafter. Yog, Ayurved, Vastu, Astrology, Karmkand, etc. are indispensable Vedic applied sciences for ensuring a balanced living with Nature and enjoying normal health and wellness of human society

Our Vision and Mission

Several friends and Yogacharyas who are associated with C.M. Bhandari’s mission and vision of Vedic Sciences have set up their own facilities and have been providing similar programs.Therefore, participants will have option to visit many such facilities at different times for a wider Vedic Sciences’ perspective. One such Ashram is set up by Charat Guruji at Talla Ramgarh in Nainital district on the banks of a small perennial stream and provides unique solitary ambiance for spiritual experiences. (picture to be added) More Ashrams along Chardham routes on Garhwal division of UK and the Kailas Mansarovar circuit in Kumaon division will be associated in due course as they fructify

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